Covid-19 – NYC and Long Island Construction Impact Update as of April 8, 2020

Below is a summary of information compiled as of April 8, 2020:

Construction – Updated 4/3/20

  • Activity in the City and Boroughs has essentially stopped. In addition to Healthcare, essential projects have continued this week however the Virus is affecting Construction Labor and ultimately causing some projects that fall into the essential category – Affordable Housing, Utilities – to shut down. It is not across the board, however we’ve seen this in a few locations.
  • Activity on Long Island has essentially stopped. 
  • Landlords who deem their projects as essential – Broadcast, News Agencies – have successfully submitted applications to continue projects
  • The NYC DOB inspectors are issuing $10k Summonses for non-essential projects
  • Clients on many projects have begun funding their CM/GC general conditions while in the shutdown, to maintain their teams in place
  • We are starting to see smaller contractors take advantage of the loan opportunities contained in the Stimulus Package and specifically the CARE ACT. This enables them to maintain staff through the downtime and in those cases where the staff is not reimbursed by clients.
  • Union and Non-Union labor layoffs are extremely high as expected. Contractors are only maintaining critical staff and labor.

Schedules – Updated 4/3/20

  • The impact remains uncertain and dependent on the fallout and impact on the Labor force, Manufacturing and the availability of Materials
  • Site availability, Tenant holdovers on interior office projects are surfacing
  • Gaps in materials availability will elongate contractor involvement

Materials – Updated 4/3/20

  • ?Depending on the materials and size of each manufacturer we estimate the impact on schedules to vary
  • Local manufacturers shut down except for essential work and experiencing significant layoffs
  • Furniture dealers and manufacturers similar to above have begun layoffs 
  • Wherever possible, it is recommended orders be placed as soon as possible in order to be at the front of the queue when production resumes

Design – Updated 4/3/20

  • The overall process has been slowed by technology issues stemming from staff working remote
  • The permitting process on Long Island is sporadic based on the local AHJ ability to receive and approve permits. Please see list below. 
  • Layoffs of non-essential staff within local firms have begun to occur

Resources – New York City – Updated 4/6/20

  • Interactive map showing “essential” construction sites in NYC:

  • NYC Department of Buildings (DOB):
    • Remains open for business and primarily working remotely
    • Digital filings recommended; functional just requires additional administration by expeditors
    • Modest impact on review process
    • Physical inspections proceeding
  • Fire Department of New York (FDNY)
    • Working remotely
    • Filings being re-routed to staff residences
    • Physical inspections proceeding

Resources – Long Island Major Towns

  • Town of Huntington Updated 4/8/20
    • The Planning: Applications to be accepted by Fed-Ex (no signature) or by drop box
    • Building: Anticipated Applications to be accepted by Fed-Ex (no signature) or by drop box
    • Building Department staff are alternating two days per week.
    • Building Inspections limited/ongoing, 3rd Party Inspections per Town Form (Non-Final Inspections only)* 
    • Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals will be holding meetings remotely. All meeting audio will be live streamed on government access Optimum Ch. 18, Fios Ch. 38 and at
    • Zone Boarding of Appeals will be meeting Tuesday April 7 @ 6pm to conduct administrative hearing on calendar matters.
    • Zoning Board of Appeals will also start an online process.
    • Planning Board will meet April 15 @ 6p and all public hearings are postponed.
  • Town of RiverheadUpdated 3/31/20. Closed to public. Only essential staff are present (Building Commissioner and Fire Marshal).  They do not have an end date for when staff will be back in the office. Note: The Building Department, Fire Protection and Planning Department are now accepting electronic (PDF) submission of new applications and material.

      • Department of Land Management: Effective immediately and until further notice, you may hand deliver paper material to our dropbox that is located outside the building located at 201 Howell Avenue. Please be advised, however, that the dropbox can only hold limited sized material. Mail from the United States Postal Service and private over-night service companies is still accepted at Town Hall.

        Note: The Building Department, Fire Protection and Planning Department are now accepting electronic (PDF) submission of new applications and material. Please read the details below for each department.

      • Building Department (Riverhead):
        • Communication – Communication through email is still continuing. A list of office assistants and inspectors, along with their contact information, can be found on the Town’s website. Simply click on their name to email the person you need to contact. All employees are checking their emails on a daily basis. Phone messages are being retrieved and returned on a regular basis.
        • New Applications – Effective immediately and until further notice, you may hand deliver paper material to our dropbox that is located outside the building located at 201 Howell Avenue. Please be advised, however, that the dropbox can only hold limited sized material. Large paper plans and application materials can only be mailed to us. Mail will be picked up on a daily basis. Applications and plans can also be emailed (PDF) to . Applications will be reviewed and processed on a limited basis. Paper copies of applications with original signatures and plans, signed and sealed, along with the correct application fee, will be required when the office opens.
        • Inspections – Building inspections have resumed on a limited basis. Please contact one of the office assistants listed on the Town’s website with your request. Inspections will be prioritized for essential services. All applications can be found on the Town’s website.

      • Fire Protection (Riverhead):
        • Communication – Communication through email is still continuing. A list of inspectors, along with their contact in?formation, can be found on the Town’s website. Simply click on their name to email the person you need to contact. Do not email or call Andrew Smith nor Laura Tague. All employees are checking their emails on a daily basis. Phone messages are being retrieved and returned on a regular basis.
        • New Applications – Effective immediately and until further notice, you may hand deliver paper material to our dropbox that is located outside the building located at 201 Howell Avenue. Please be advised, however, that the dropbox can only hold limited sized material. Large paper plans and application materials can only be mailed to us. Mail will be picked up on a daily basis. New applications will be reviewed and processed on a limited basis. All applications can be found on the Town’s website. Applications and plans can also be emailed (PDF) to Applications will be reviewed and processed on a limited basis. Paper copies of applications with original signatures and plans, signed and sealed, along with the correct application fee, will be required when the office opens.
        • Inspections – Building inspections for new construction have resumed on a limited basis. Please email with your request. Inspections will be prioritized for essential services.

      • Planning Department (Riverhead):
        • Communication – Communication through email is still continuing. A list of staff, along with their contact information, can be found on the Town’s website. Simply click on their name to email the person you need to contact. All employees are checking their emails on a daily basis. Phone messages are being retrieved and returned on a regular basis.
        • New Applications – Effective immediately and until further notice, you may hand deliver paper material to our dropbox that is located outside the building located at 201 Howell Avenue. Please be advised, however, that the dropbox can only hold limited sized material. Large paper plans and application materials can only be mailed to us. Mail will be picked up on a daily basis. All applications can be found on the Town’s website. Applications and plans can also be emailed to Applications will be reviewed and processed on a limited basis. Paper copies of applications with original signatures and plans, signed and sealed, along with the correct application fee, will be required when the office opens. All inspections, unless deemed essential, are cancelled through March 31, 2020.
        • Meetings – All meetings in Town Hall are cancelled until March 31, 2020. These cancellations may be extended subject to the State of Emergency, so please check the Town website on when the Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals and all advisory committee meetings will be re-scheduled.
  • Town of North Hempstead – Updated 4/8/20
    • In the interest of preventing the spread of coronavirus and during this public health emergency, North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth has announced that all Town facilities including the Building Department be closed until Monday, April 20, 2020.

      The Building Department is open for transactions related to “Essential Business” and issuance of permits related to emergency repairs only.

      Pursuant to New York State Executive Order 202.6 only construction related to property or a business deemed an “Essential Business” may continue to move forward (medical facilities, pharmacies, etc) at this time. Any other business or construction activities being completed at a location that are not essential is subject to the Executive Order on mandatory workforce reduction.

      In light of the above, the Building Department will not be conducting business related to construction which does not meet the above criteria. Please be guided accordingly. We will continue to monitor conditions and provide updates on the Town of North Hempstead website once the executive orders have been lifted.

    • Planning Closed
  • Town of Oyster Bay – Updated 4/6/20 – Town closed until 4/15/20. Examiners are coming in to pick up plans to review at home. New applications can be submitted through U.S. Mail.
    • Planning: Applications to be accepted by Fed-Ex (no signature)
    • Building: Applications to be accepted by Fed-Ex (no signature)
    • No building inspections at this time, however, Engineer/Architect of Record Certifications to be accepted. Additionally, 3rdParty Inspections accepted provided preliminary affidavit of supervision has been filed with DOB*
    • Planning Board Next Meeting – April 21, 2020 at 10a
    • The meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 16, 2020 is cancelled. This meeting will be rescheduled and new hearing notices will be sent to the required surrounding properties indicating the new date.
  • Town of Islip – Updated 4/8/20
    • Planning: Applications to be submitted by appointment only – submission to Planning Staff to take place outside of Town Hall
    • Engineering: Applications to be accepted by Fed-Ex (no signature) or by drop box;
    • Building: Applications to be accepted by Fed-Ex (no signature) or by drop box
    • Building Inspections ongoing*

The Governor issued an executive order suspending all non-essential construction immediately unless it qualifies as “emergency construction.” Essential construction, as set forth below, may continue. For purposes of these guidelines, a construction project involving a single worker, who is the sole employee/worker on a job site may continue.

As per the guidance of New York State Economic Development Corporation, the following is considered emergency non-essential construction and may continue:
Emergency construction of an existing occupied structure in order to protect health and safety of the existing occupants. The expansion or renovation of a structure that does not pose adverse health and safety concerns to the existing occupants is not an essential construction exemption.

Emergency construction of an unoccupied structure in order to make the building structurally sound. All interior construction shall immediately cease once the structure is sound. Exterior (non-building) site work may occur in order to remove any adverse public health and safety exterior site concerns.

As per the guidance of New York State Economic Development Corporation, the following is considered essential construction and may continue:
Capital projects such as roads, bridges, transit facilities and utilities, Hospitals and health care facilities.

Residential or mixed-use buildings that include on-site affordable housing. This does not include projects that do not incorporate on-site affordable housing.

Regardless of whether construction is considered essential or emergency non-essential, any ongoing construction must comply with the Governor’s executive order, including social distancing with a 6-foot minimum spacing between all workers. An immediate stop work order shall be issued for any project that fails to adhere to the executive order.

These guidelines are based on current State guidance and are subject to change as necessary.

      The Planning & Development Divisions, while closed to the public during the COVID-19 virus, are continuing to operate ensuring that applications are processed and constituent inquiries are answered in a timely manner. The offices are staffed at 50% in order to comply with the Governor’s mandate for social distancing for essential services, and the balance of our staff is working from home to ensure the public continues to be served. For phone numbers, forms and applications, please go to our website at and visit the individual department webpages.

      While our process has changed slightly, Planning, Engineering, Building and the Zoning Board of Appeals Divisions are still committed to processing your applications as quickly and efficiently as possible. A cursory review is still required to minimize unnecessary delays in the processing of incomplete applications. Building, Plumbing and Engineering inspections will continue for any construction permitted under Governor Cuomo’s executive order. 

      Due to changing circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 virus, these procedures are subject to change without notice.

      1. Hard copy Submissions – Applications, resubmissions and paperwork can be brought to One Manitton Court, Islip between the hours of 8:00 am – 3:45 pm.

      a. Submissions should be placed in the drop box located outside the front door.

      b. Once the submission is placed in the drop box, the applicant should call the Permits Department from their vehicle at 631-224-5466 to inform them that a submission was dropped off so a cursory review can take place (typically 30 minutes) while the applicant waits in their vehicle.

      c. If the submission meets the minimum requirements, the Permits Department will call the applicant to let them know they can leave and the application will be processed.

      d. If the submission does not meet the minimum requirements, the Permits Department will call the applicant to advise them of the deficiencies and ask them to retrieve the package from the drop box.

      2. Online Submissions – In response to requests by applicants, the Building Division is now accepting online submissions.

      a. Applicants should email a copy of their completed permit application to The applicant will be emailed a Record Number along with instructions on how to upload their documents to Permits Department, typically within one business day.

      b. Once the documents are uploaded, the application will be given a cursory review for completeness, typically within two business days.

      c. If the application meets the minimum requirements, the Permits Department will call the applicant and advise them of the next steps.

      1. Hard copy submissions – Applications, resubmissions and paperwork can be brought to the lobby of Town Hall, 655 Main Street, Islip between the hours of 8:30 am – 4:15 pm.

      a. When an applicant arrives at Town Hall, they should call the Engineering Division at 631-224-5360 to inform them they are dropping off an application or resubmittal. Engineering will inform a Park Ranger who will grant the applicant access to the lobby to drop off the materials.

      b. Applicants will be asked to wait outside or in their vehicle while Engineering performs a cursory review (typically 30 minutes).

      c. If the submittal meets the minimum requirements, Engineering will call the applicant to let them know they can leave and the application will be processed.

      d. If the submittal does not meet the minimum requirements, Engineering will call the applicant to advise them of the deficiencies and ask them to retrieve the package from the lobby.

      2. Online Submissions – The Engineering Division is developing a process to accept on-line applications and will post instructions on the Town of Islip website, Engineering Division page in the very near future.

      1. Hard copy submissions – Applications, resubmissions and paperwork can be brought to the lobby of Town Hall, 655 Main Street, Islip between the hours of 8:30 am – 4:45 pm.

      a. When an applicant arrives at Town Hall, they should call the Planning Division at 631-224-5450 to inform them they are dropping off an application or resubmittal. Planning will inform a Park Ranger who will grant the applicant access to the lobby to drop off materials.

      b. Applicants will be asked to wait outside or in their vehicle while Planning performs a cursory review (typically 30 minutes).

      c. If the submittal meets the minimum requirements, Planning will call the applicant to let them know they can leave and the application will be processed.

      d. If the submittal does not meet the minimum requirements, Planning will call the applicant to advise them of the deficiencies and ask them to retrieve the package from the lobby.

      The Zoning Board of Appeals is still accepting complete hardcopy (paper) applications by mail or in person.

      1. Mail-in applications – Completed applications should be mailed to 40 Nassau Avenue, Islip, NY 11751. Please be sure to include the contact information (phone # and e-mail). Receipts for completed applications will be sent via mail or e-mail. Should any additional information be required, we will request same by phone and/or by e-mail.

      2. In-person applications – Completed applications can be dropped off at 40 Nassau Avenue, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. As our offices are temporarily closed to the public, applicants can call our office at 631-224-5489 when they arrive. A staff member will meet applicants at the door to accept the application. Applicants can wait outside if a receipt is
      desired. The receipt will indicate if the submission is complete. Should additional information be required, we will request same by phone and/or by e-mail.
  • Town of Smithtown – Updated 4/8/20
    • The Planning Department: A drop box has been placed inside the vestibule where to safely submit plans and applications. If you require the services of the Planning
      Department, please call ahead or email your questions. Email: Phone: 631-360-7540 Fax: 631-360-7546.

    • The Building Department: A drop box for applications has been placed inside the building lobby. Please include a contact phone number and email before drop off so a department
      representative can properly process the application. For Pick Ups: Please call the Building Department upon arrival (in the parking lot) for pickup or the collection of documents (Plans, Certificate of Occupancy/Compliance, letter of history etc.)
      For any questions or services, please call the Building Department first (631) 360-7520 Fax:
      (631) 360-7639 buildingmail@smithtownny.govPlanning: Applications to be accepted by Fed-Ex (no signature) or by drop box
    • Board of Zoning Appeals: Meetings in April will be postponed until a later date
    • Planning Board: Meetings in April will be postponed until a later date
  • Town of Babylon – Update 4/8/20
    • Planning: Applications to be accepted by Fed-Ex (no signature) or by drop box
    • Building: Applications to be accepted by Fed-Ex (no signature) or by drop box, Building Inspections limited/ongoing
    • Planning and Zoning Board meetings scheduled for this week are canceled. Additional information will be posted when available.
  • Town of HempsteadUpdated 4/6/20
    • The Building/Planning: Applications to be accepted by Fed-Ex (no signature) with a Filing Fee or by lobby from 10am-2pm
    • Building Inspections ongoing (Exterior ONLY)*
    • Permit approval can take from 1-4 months. 
    • Building Inspectors can be reached by phone at (516) 812-3088 from 7:30 AM to 10:30 AM, prior to their field inspections.
    • Plumbing Inspectors can be reached by phone at (516) 812-3126 from 7:30 AM to 9:30 AM, prior to their field inspections.
    • Zoning Inspectors can be reached by phone at (516) 812-3052 or (516) 812-3115 or (516) 812-3107 from 9 AM to 10:30 AM, prior to their field inspections.
    • Plans Examiners can be reached by phone at (516) 812-3073 from 9 AM to 12 noon. When making an appointment with a Plans Examiner, you must call one day prior to the day you wish to be seen.
  • Town of Brookhaven – Updated 4/8/20
    • Accepting commercial applications online, as well as drop off.  
    • Fire Marshal only hard copy.  
    • Fed-Ex accepted (no signature) or hard copy drop off via drop box setup.
    • The April 6 Planning Board Meeting has been adjourned until April 27. 
  • Long Beach City – NEW – 6/6/20
    • Planning Board – Commission meetings will either be suspended or conducted by teleconference at least through April, or until further notice.
    • Zoning Board – Commission meetings will either be suspended or conducted by teleconference at least through April, or until further notice.

  • East Hampton – NEW – 6/8/20
    • East Hampton Town Police and Ordinance Officers will be enforcing this order.
    • All non-essential construction must shut down except emergency construction, (e.g. a project necessary to protect health and safety of the occupants, or to continue a project if it would be unsafe to allow to remain undone until it is safe to shut the site).
    • Essential construction may continue and includes roads, bridges, transit facilities, utilities, hospitals or health care facilities, affordable housing, and homeless shelters. At every site, if essential or emergency non-essential construction, this includes maintaining social distance, including for purposes of elevators/meals/entry and exit. Sites that cannot maintain
      distance and safety best practices must close and enforcement will be provided by the state in coordination with the city/local governments. This will include fines of up to $10,000 per violation.
    • For purposes of this section construction work does not include a single worker, who is the sole employee/worker on a job site. Work may continue if there is a single worker/employee on a job site

  • Southold Town- NEW – 6/6/20
    • Meetings of the Architectural Review Board, the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Planning Board have been cancelled. Planning Department, Zoning Board of Appeals is closed. All other Town offices will remain fully- opened or be open on a limited basis with limited staff. These closures went into effect on Monday, March 16, 2020 at 4:00 pm and will remain in effect until further order of Supervisor Russell. All Town buildings will remain closed to the public and people should contact Supervisor Russell’s Office at 631-765-1889 with any questions.

Other Long Island Agencies

  • Suffolk County Dept. of Health – Pick & Drop off only
  • Nassau County Dept. of Public Works – Pick & Drop off only
    • Sewer Map Requests are on hold until 4/15/2020
  • Nassau County Fire Marshal – Pick & Drop off only
  • Nassau County Dept. of Health – Pick & Drop off only
  • Suffolk County Water Authority – Pick & Drop off only

Risk Assessment

  • Highest risk: procurement and construction
  • Medium risk: design, documentation
  • Low risk: transitioning, planning and closing


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